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Gracefully Unleashed

Join the thousands of women who have used DTM to release their disappointment and fears and step into the Real You.

For 45 years The Deep Transformation Method has given women around the world the chance to finally be themselves.

You deserve to connect to your natural resources and reach another level of being you didn’t know was there… or feared was lost forever.


1. We do NOT only work with your history.

2. We do NOT force you to think differently.

3. We do NOT expect that understanding
your struggle is enough.

Even though I knew HOW to do it, I couldn’t “make” myself go after my dreams. It was so aggravating! After working with DTM, I went from failing to force myself out of my pajamas to consistently feeling awe, wonder, energy, and, oh so lovely and different for me—self acceptance!

Lauren Herrera
Entrepreneur & Business Coach

Working with Wendy and the DTM process will activate deep inner healing that translates into immediate outer progress.I have worked with therapists, coaches, healers, and consultants, and my experience with Wendy ranks among the most effective and transformative.


Joanna Lindenbaum
Business Coach

We will work through my Signature 8-step process to access the Real You.

#1 Harness powerful neuroplasticity for healing

There is a little-known part of our mind whose job it is to create transformation. It is more powerful than your thinking, rational mind and more powerful than your history. We access it.

#2 Soften and release the effects of trauma

Unhealed trauma creates symptoms. It strangles your body and your life. We soften and release trauma.

#5 Give your transformation a boost

Your deeper mind is a springboard for transformation. Stop leading from your thinking mind and access a deeper part of your consciousness that already knows the way.

#6 Overcome resistance to change

Instead of relying on willpower or grit, harness your brain’s neuroplasticity to naturally think and feel differently – no matter how old you are and no matter how long you’ve been feeling this way.

#3 Uncover what is already inside of you

A freer, more powerful you exists beneath the crust of your history. Stop searching. We’ll uncover You because you’ll know where to look. AND… how to let it in.

#4 Experience your resources

Confidently step out of your own way. Meet your challenges with your own unique internal resources and let them lead you.

#7 Practice & reinforce

True change requires dealing with your own resistance to what you say you want. Keep at it. Reinforce it. Emerge stronger. Close the gap.

#8 Naturally experience the real you

She is already there. We will contact her so strongly that she consistently emerges all on her own, more and more and more of the time. She is the REAL you.

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A percentage of every program and product purchased goes directly to supporting Kiva, Habitat for Humanity, SmileTrain and/or Natural Resources Defense Council.

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