Hi, I'm Wendy Yellen.
​I am an experienced Eidetic Therapist with over 45 years of providing support and guidance to women and women like you, who are looking to take the next step into their transformational journey!
I am so glad you’re here!

About Me
One night decades ago, my husband Michael saw beyond the angry smoke screen I was sending towards him. He understood that, in fact, what I sorely needed at that moment was…love. He reached out to hold me. That moment is seared into my brain.
Part of me wanted desperately to crawl up onto his lap and feel his arms around me. Because – he was right. I needed love, and I also needed to cry. But the other part of me was a sharp-quilled stubborn porcupine keeping him away. Unfortunately, as so often happened back then, the porcupine in me won. I stayed angry…and also sad.
So began my understanding of this deep, ironic truth: We push away what we most want. Most of us live that way from birth to death. And I certainly thought that stubborn embedded part of me would never change.
I was wrong.
Most people think that you can’t actually change ingrained patterns. I thought so too...then I discovered Eidetics.

Most people think that you can’t actually change ingrained patterns like anxiety, fear, lack of confidence, maxed-out stress, lack of fulfillment, low energy, pain, patterns of self-defeat, under-earning, underperforming and more. Most people think that “forgiveness” is the best they can do. Most people, in one way or another, think they have to “make” themselves feel more aligned, connected, and loving. I thought so too… until I discovered Eidetics.
I had a 100% full, 100% referrals, waiting list only private practice in psychotherapy in Houston, Texas. But I closed my practice completely because I no longer believed in any of the many traditional and non-traditional therapies in which I was certified.
They simply weren’t enough. I felt like there MUST be something more.
Years later, I was re-introduced to the father of Eidetic Imagery, Dr. Akhter Ahsen, Ph.D. I knew I had found the Holy Grail of transformational work and jumped back into working with people and transformation. I took the three year Certification Training and received my certificate from Dr. Ahsen in 2006.
Since then, I have introduced thousands of men and women around the world to this ancient art yet 21st-century science mysteriously called Eidetics. Mysterious to us, but the ancient Greeks knew of the power of eidetic images and called them “gifts from the Gods.”
I received my Master of Social Work from Smith College School for Social Work in 1981. I completed a Fellowship in Family and Systems Therapy, was certified in neo-Reichian emotional release bodywork, and several other modalities, and gave them all up to support personal presence and deep transformation through Eidetics.
Dr. Akhter Ahsen, Ph.D., one of the most influential theorists on mental imagery, was my personal mentor for years. Dr. Ahsen’s own lineage included his father, an Indian Sufi Master. Dr. Ahsen authored decades of Journal of Mental Imagery articles and published more than 30 books, receiving accolades from around the world. He was also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and American Psychological Society.
Dr. Ahsen mentored me through my own personal blocks and obstacles. I was a tough client! Why? Because my inner obstacles and stubborn holding on to what wasn’t working were deeply entrenched. But! Because of these obstacles, I began to understand more deeply how to work with the parts of us that stand in our own way.
Now, I work with people of heart and integrity who are ready to let go of the old change paradigm that says you have to “make yourself” remember to act certain ways or remind yourself of how you “should” behave. My clients want to expand their connection to themselves, their heart, and to Something Greater, and to do this in their very own, unique way.