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Pat Schuler

President, Gemini Resources

“With all the personal development offerings around, it’s easy to get a little jaded. This is heart and spirit based work. I know this sounds funny coming from someone as bottom line as I am, but it bypasses my needing to think about it. And it goes right to my heart. So I can feel.


This work opened me up so that I could ALLOW myself to say yes. Before I did the eidetics work, I considered myself successful. But I was anxious morning and night. I would wake up adrenalized, I would wake up ready to go to battle. I never knew what was going to be tossed at me. I didn’t trust that I already had all the skills that I needed to deal with it. I was living in that anxiety and something that I really didn’t recognize as fear and scarcity. I thought I had done that work!”

Liza Fiorentinos

Business Owner and Entrepreneur

“For 4 years I worked 7 days a week (not exaggerating!) without a break. Four years of nothing—no meditation, very little friend time, certainly no vacations and constant exhausting chatter in my head that just didn’t go away.


Within a few months of working with Wendy, I naturally found myself doing 10 minutes of daily yoga, walking in the park and last summer I went to Greece for 3 weeks and India this year for another 3 weeks.


When a colleague saw me after a few years, she didn’t recognize me and when she realized it was me, she said I looked years younger! And last month my business increased by 88% from last year.”


Jenny Powers

Creator of Running with Heels,
THREE time host of Evening with Wendy in Manhattan

“Within a week after experiencing the transformational power of Eidetics through Wendy Yellen, Running with Heels founder Jenny Powers applied for and was accepted to present a TEDX talk, something which had been on her bucket list for years: “Something inside me was awoken during our work together and it made my motivation stronger than my fears and I have Wendy Yellen to thank for that.”

Lauren Herrera

Entrepreneur and Business Owner

“We all start out as self-motivated… and then… life gets in the way. I have a business that I love, and I really wanted to reach even more people, and be much more financially successful.


My intimate relationships were filled with me feeling less-than, feeling small and not worthy of anything better.I found myself giving up on my dreams. I knew I had so much to offer, but my feelings about myself wouldn’t let me move forward.


I had big ideas, but it was really hard to make them real—even though I knew HOW to do it. I couldn’t “make” myself go after my dreams. It was so aggravating! But during my first 14 days of the Accelerated Change Challenge, I went from having to force myself out of my pyjamas (and often failing) to consistently feeling awe, wonder, energy, and, oh so lovely and different for me—self acceptance!


My energy and desire to be in my business created so much momentum and creativity for me—which I had never felt consistently before.


People are responding to my business offers—sometimes with lightning speed. I am speaking up and leading where before I wasn’t being me.

I’m not getting overwhelmed. And another part that I love—I don’t feel like I am hiding, I know I am doing what I need and want to do AND this also allows me to choose to rest rather than keep internally pushing. I feel full of wonder at life!”

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Joanna Lindenbaum

Business Coach

“Working with Wendy will activate deep inner healing that translates into immediate outer progress.


I have worked with therapists, coaches, healers, and consultants, and my experience with Wendy ranks among the most effective and transformative. After just two sessions with Wendy, my confidence level improved tenfold, and I saw the results in my business right away: I raised my rates, powerfully called new prospects into my business, and attracted opportunities for big visibility.”

Christina Sarlo


“Before, I was too frazzled to actually see my husband. He felt ignored, and I felt like I was numb. Now I can see him and find him so precious.


Instead of collapsing in front of Facebook when I have free time, I’ve been able to use that time in a beautiful way, and enjoy every minute of it.

My terrible back pain is no longer running me ragged and I need fewer massages and chiropractor appointments.


Also, while my mother was dying, we healed our relationship, I lovingly cared for her, and while also taking care of myself, had my best business month ever!”


Terry Armstrong


“I didn’t know what was wrong. I didn’t know what was there that was holding me back. I just felt a low level uneasiness.


In my situation, I was settling for feeling nothing… rather than pain. I just had this general anxiety about…what am I doing? Where am I going? What’s wrong? Why can’t I get to a better feeling place?


Instead, I found how to laugh again, AND how to enjoy my personal relationship in a way that had not been accessible to me for 10 to 20 years. And that’s not what I was really even looking for. I didn’t even know it was out there for me. That’s what fell into place for me.”

Akhter Ahsen, Ph,D.

What Dr. Akhter Ahsen, father of Eidetic Imagery, has to say about Wendy Yellen:


“Wendy Yellen has a gift for deep and empathic listening, allowing her to work with the eidetic images of her clients in ways which greatly facilitate their growth.”


People are responding to my business offers—sometimes with lightning speed. I am speaking up and leading where before I wasn’t being me.

I’m not getting overwhelmed. And another part that I love—I don’t feel like I am hiding, I know I am doing what I need and want to do AND this also allows me to choose to rest rather than keep internally pushing. I feel full of wonder at life!”

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